Retirement Security

July 29, 2024

2024 Regionals

You’re invited!

Join us at our regional meetings and strengthen your skills as a retiree activist. Make sure you’re ready to help elect pro-retiree candidates this November and win the fight for retirement security.

Attendees will elect regional Alliance Executive Board members, hear from local labor leaders and elected officials, and participate in interactive workshops and training sessions, including:

Storytelling for Solidarity: Collecting Stories for Collective Action;
Senior Power Multiplied: Expanding Retiree Activism;
Navigating Legislative Advocacy: Strategies for Success

For more information, please contact Joni Jones by calling 202-637-5377.

Click to register:

Northeast: The Northeast Regional Meeting will take place in Washington, DC and attendees will stay at The Beacon Hotel, 1615 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20036. Please call (800) 821-4367 and use the code “Alliance for Retired Americans” or visit this link to reserve a room. You can access the meeting flyer here and the meeting agenda here.

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